Based off of the manga of the same name, Black Lagoon is a three-part action/crime drama/black comedy series written by Sunao Katabuchi (original manga by Rei Hiroe) and produced by Madhouse Animation Studio. Collectively, its original run ran from 8 April 2006 - 22 June 2011.
The series, which takes place in the early to mid-1990s, follows a team of pirate mercenaries (Rock, Revy, Dutch, and Benny) called Lagoon Company that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia with its base in the fictional city of Roanapur, Thailand. Home to the lowliest of thieves, druggies, prostitutes, and a myriad of drug cartels, the team does business with a variety of clients, but most closely with the Russian crime syndicate, Hotel Moscow, and its boss Balalaika.
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