I mean, come on. It's bad enough that Revy admits she enjoys the thrill of killing for fun. But now we've got sibling children making out and orgasming over the macabre--the smell, the sight, the sounds of death, blood, and hot copper from fired bullets around them. They call each other Fratele Meu (my brother) and Sora Mea (my sister)They're so descriptive in their lust for death (and even their own) that it breaks my immersion into the episode for a bit. And the best part? They live right here in the good ole wealthy, Christian subdivision known as Roanapur. Fuck that. Even Black Lagoon would high-tail it out of there.
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Sigmund Freud is laughing in his grave right now. Shame on you two. |
Regardless of these gaping plot holes, these terrorists are going to get their asses handed to them. Kill a cop. Kill a politician. But when you kill members of the Mafia, that's it. It would have been less dangerous for them to shake a hive full of hornets.
The four mob heads get together--the Russians of course, Mr. Chang, Verrocchio, and the Colombian who survived a bombing inside Yellowflag. In general, they'd rather lick the floor tiles than coexist under the same roof, but seeing as the situation warrants their joining, they try to hold back. Physically, of course.
All of them had people killed, all in the same way. Nine bodies, all killed by an outsider. That's all they know.
At Yellowflag, everyone is on guard in case the so-called headcase decides to show up. Revy finds out there's a $50,000 bounty on the killer. How is she the last to know? Usually Revy would be the first to know about these things. And just like how Rock just found out about the Mafia murders, what's with the stifled communication? My only guess is that people are trying to kep hush-hush in case information spreads to the wrong person.
Eda then waltzes in dressed like a hooker, sticking her gigantic boobs in the air because who the hell knows? I just love the expression on Revy's face, though.
She makes sexual, insulting banter before reminding Revy about the bounty, and about how everyone with a gun is out ready to pop a cap into outsider ass. Apparently, a Caribbean bar not too far away has been completely destroyed, and Hotel Moscow is ready for war because their collector was killed. Damn, those siblings are so fucked up in the head that incest is the least concerning thing here.
Balalaika shows up to the crime scene where her collector was killed. A police officer tells the story: the twins had shown up early in the morning. They showed the bartender a Hotel Moscow business card, waited for the collector to arrive, killed him, and kidnapped his partner. Damn, that was straight-up ambush right there. My only question is why they didn't just kill the bartender first so they didn't have to go through the red tape of bringing a business card. Hey, I'm just trying to think like a deranged inhuman sociopath.
I don't know about these kids, though. As batshit crazy as they are, there's too much emphasis on how creepy they are. Plus, they're way too predictable. At least with Roberta, you kind of knew that she was a killing machine (albeit a Terminator-type one) but she was unpredictable. You never knew what she would do next. All her weapons were strategically hidden in her suitcase and under her petticoat. The siblings are just bland once you get past their lust for blood, guts, and gore.
The cop wants in on the bounty. Typical. Balalaika hatches a plan to hire expendables to kill the kids.
And just when I thought the dead horse couldn't be beaten any more (pun intended), the people who are protecting the twins discover them in their "child lingerie." They were hammering nails into the Russian's skull so he'd twitch like a fish and got blood all over their clothes. I don't have the care any more to say what the fuck. Instead, I'm just going to ask why they didn't just rip open his ribcage and hump his intestines.
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Where did they get the change of clothes? Actually, no. I don't want to know anything. |
Revy brings up an interesting point when in a group discussion about the twins: serial killers are frowned upon in Roanapur. The reason people like them kill is because they hate, and eventually forget what they hated in the first place that death and destruction is all they end up knowing. Hmm, that sounds oddly familiar, Revy.
The sister twin wants to have disgusting sex with the corpse, because this episode couldn't be any more disgusting, but thankfully, the brother twin actually stops and considers perhaps they shouldn't have been messing with the corpse after all. And that's how we know the sister is more twisted.
Balalaika calls Rock and asks if Rock knows anything about these children, given his former occupation dealing with people all over the world. He then realizes the phrases Fratele Meu and Sora Mea, along with their pointy teeth, point to them being Romanian vampires.
Well, if they are vampires, their lust for blood is a bit more justified. But the whole incest thing still rubs me the wrong way. No pun intended.
Story - A slower episode than usual. This isn't bad by any means because it introduces our next villains for the arc. Still, it seems like someone was asked to name the sickest things conscious-less children could do, add blood, and that's how these kids were creative. Not the best idea.
1.5 / 5
Character Development - Supposedly, it should be the twins, but all I know is that they love to kill. Unlike Revy, who has her own reasons why she is the way she is, these kids seem to have been born merely to slaughter. Perhaps there's more to flesh out their characters, but as of now, they're incredibly two-dimensional.
1.5 / 5
Badassery - Balalaika's ability to stir up conflict with sass and sarcasm with the other Mafia bosses using her monotonous voice makes her all the more terrifying.
3 / 5
Best Insult: (Verrocchio, to Balalaika) "Again with that mouth of yours, eh? A fuckin' peasant Ivan bitch who thinks her shit don't stink. Priceless. Go back to diggin' your potatehs."
Out-of-context: "The ultimate love is cannibalism."