Dutch and Rock try to figure out why the neo-Nazis dumped a buttload of money into retrieving this seemingly worthless painting, only to realize that they themselves were being offered $50,000 for retrieving it. So the big question on everyone's mind is, "What the hell is so special about this painting?"
Dutch tells Rock to go feed Revy. Rock walks out on the deck with a can of beans to Revy, who's inhaling long, cancer-causing drags from a cigarette. Rock approaches Revy the same way one would approach a sleeping bear with her cubs. First of all, you wouldn't. But Revy can't starve.
Rock apologizes for getting so moral back in the U-boat (possibly as another way to prove that he does fear Revy). Revy shuts him down before things get ugly, and Rock retreats back into the boat. You're right, Dutch, Rock is a smart man.
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Don't get too close to the wild animals. |
One drunk Nazi looks a little too closely at Revy's grappling hook on the banister of the ship and gets a bullet to the back of his head. And so it begins.
She walks in there like the Goddamn Terminator blasting any live prey in her peripheral vision to bits. The Nazis are in complete shock that Black Lagoon managed to find a way to sneak on board, so they don't even get a chance to flinch before about half of them are bloody corpses staining the "all-powerful" Nazi reputation.
And just look at Benny:
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"Just another Thursday." |
One Nazi runs to the very well-stocked on-ship arsenal to pick out a monster of a gun, but not without the enemy lurking right behind him:
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The Nazis huddle behind a desk and desperately tell Dutch that the man he's looking for is on the upper level. Just look at them beg for mercy! Man, for a bunch of gun-toting, war-loving Nazis, these guys resemble that of a certain slang term for female genitalia, eh?
Revy breaks into the bridge of the ship where a team of unaffiliated workers are driving the ship. Even after one guy trembles under Revy's gun that they don't have anything to do with the Nazis, Revy doesn't give a shit. She pops a flesh wound into his knee and holds the barrel to his face, just to watch him squeal, but Dutch comes along and stops her before she kills him.
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That's right; even Black Lagoon has standards. |
Revy gets pissed that she can't murder as she pleases, and they pull their guns on each other. Whoa! That's... shocking. Dutch is the one person Revy respects. For her to even consider holding the barrel of her gun between his eyes is flabbergasting. But perhaps it was just a distraction to the Nazis who are around the corner, because the guns pointing at each other suddenly point to the sides, and Nazi heads fly.
The neo-Nazi captain calls an old Nazi veteran to let him know that they have things under control and apologizes for being so incompetent, but the older gentleman says he doesn't want his apology because they're so feeble and useless, and that's not what a good Nazi does. The old man tells the captain to get the painting to him, and he will allow the pathetic little soldier into the neo-Nazi society. Basically, this scene just solidifies the fact that these neos are merely nothing but the outer lips of the female reproductive system.
Revy and Dutch split. Some guy bursts through the door of a room Revy is in and shows off his shiny, bald dick. Hey, he might as well. He rambles on and on about how awesome he and his golden gun are (007?), and how Revy, the "little girl" must be shaking in her little untied combat boots. Damn! This guy's ego is bigger than Revy's kill count. No, seriously, this guy milks his ego dry, like a kids' cartoon villain. (Is this supposed to be a parody of them?). All the while, Revy slowly reloads, blasts a cap in his lung, and tells him to shut the fuck up already.
Dutch bursts into the captain's room, ready to bust open another head. The captain is still on the phone with the old man, and asks to speak to Dutch. The conversation basically goes as such:
Dutch:"Perhaps this painting was done by Hitler."
Old man: "Back when I was still a Nazi, my people and I hid our bank account information inside the painting. We didn't want the painting falling into vigilante hands. We just wanted to see if the neos had the balls and spirit of true Nazis to retrieve it for us. They failed. Too bad you're black."
The captain, realizing that he and his little crew are nothing more than the moist opening of the birth canal, throws a hissy fit at being abandoned, and now has no chance to become a "real" Nazi. To be fair, the black man and the wannabes had the same opportunity to grab the painting and take off, so seeing as how this small, forced diverse group of pirate mercenaries were able to dethrone an entire army of hyper-patriotic fanboys in grown bodies, it just shows who are the real badasses in this bloodbath.
They throw insults at each other until Dutch has had enough and destroys the phone for dramatic effect. Revy strolls into the room and reiterates the fact that she's the best gunman around. no question.
Revy throws the Nazi a gun and calls black (as does Dutch). The Nazi, with shaking hands, grabs the gun and pulls the trigger on the black guy. But, oh-ho, the gun doesn't have any bullets! Too bad for the Nazi captain who is now going to drown in his own puddle of blood.
Dutch and Revy go out on the deck for a smoke break, where Revy promises not to cause any more trouble (unnecessary trouble, that is). Dutch says that no amount of killing and bloodspilling will make whatever pain she holds deep inside her disappear, which suddenly makes Revy consider Rock--he's too "good," and not at all like the people on their side.
Whatever Revy is trying to say, she doesn't feel comfortable partnering with Rock anymore.
Story - The gist of this part is that the neo-Nazis are all bark and no bite, and only seemed like they were capable of doing their job correctly when they had the advantage and weren't on an equal playing field. The other half, being Revy's deep pain starting to hatch through her hard-as-steel exterior may finally break through for us to finally see.
3.5 / 5
Character Depth - Not much character exploration here, except at the very end when Revy tells Dutch that she doesn't feel comfortable about partnering with Rock because he's not like the rest of the Black Lagoon crew. This definitely warrants more explanation.
3 / 5
Badassery - On an equal playing field, Revy and Dutch smoke the entire neo-Nazi ship with four guns, tops, against an entire arsenal of egotistical woman parts.
5 / 5
Best insult: (Dutch, to the old Nazi): "All I want is the money, you old Nazi fuck."
Out-of-context: "I need you to turn this place into a clusterfuck."
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